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‘It’s a sweat factory’: Instacart workers ready to strike for pay and conditions

‘It’s a sweat factory’: Instacart workers ready to strike for pay and conditions

Gig economy‘It’s a sweat factory’: Instacart workers ready to strike for pay and conditionsGig workers report falling wages, unmanageable orders and lack of concern from the company Gloria Oladipo@gaoladipoFri 15 Oct 2021 07.39 EDTLast modified on Fri 15 Oct 2021 09.13 EDTFor Instacart workers across the country, the popular grocery delivery app promised flexibility and a solid wage, perks that enticed thousands to join the app during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.But amid worsening working conditions including plummeting pay, safety concerns, and a punitive rating system, Instacart employees, known as shoppers, will be staging a walkout on 16 October and will continue striking until the company meets their demands for better treatment.Workers, uniting as the Gig Workers Collective, have been organizing against Instacart for years, citing what they say is a trend of unresponsiveness from the company in the face of their concerns. The collective’s asks are mostly for a restoration of features the company has dropped: reinstating Instacart’s commission pay model, paying its shoppers per order rather than bundling them, a 10% default tip instead of the current 5%, transparency about how orders are assigned, and a rating system that doesn’t hurt shoppers forproblems outside their control.Shoppers have also asked for occupational death benefits, noting the increasing dangers shoppers face on the job.Ahead of the walk-off, the Guardian spoke to three Instacart shoppers on their journey to joining Instacart, problems they have encountered since joining the app, and why …

‘What are the options?’: a new film on the toll of the gig economy

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Documentary films‘What are the options?’: a new film on the toll of the gig economyIn the new documentary The Gig Is Up, film-maker Shannon Walsh travels around the world to uncover the human cost of the new way many of us work David Smith in Washington@ …

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Today’s News & Commentary — September 9, 2021

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Today’s News & Commentary — September 9, 2021

Uber and Lyft have continued their national push to cement the status of their drivers as independent contractors rather than employees. In conjunction with Postmates and Instacart, the companies previously spent $205 million in California to successfully support an initiative to make those gig workers into contractors with some benefits. Now, they have moved their […]

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China’s Alibaba to invest billions by 2025 for ‘common prosperity’

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China’s Alibaba to invest billions by 2025 for ‘common prosperity’ Move comes on back of Beijing encouraging firms to share wealth as part of a drive to ease inequality China’s Alibaba Group will invest 100bn yuan ($15.5bn) by 2025 in support of “common prosperity”, it said, becoming the latest corporate giant to pledge support for […]

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Today’s News & Commentary—September 2, 2021

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Today’s News & Commentary—September 2, 2021

Yesterday, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healy announced that rideshare companies could move forward with their proposed state ballot measure to exempt their drivers from employment law protections.  The proposal, modeled closely on California’s Proposition 22, was one of 17 out of 30 proposed ballot initiatives certified by the Attorney General as having met baseline state […]

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Today’s News & Commentary—August 30, 2021

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Today’s News & Commentary—August 30, 2021

State legislatures are playing an outsized role in American politics, the New York Times reports. While Republicans are out of power in Washington by a slim margin, they control 30 state legislatures, 26 of which will redraw congressional districts (compared to thirteen for Democrats). But these legislatures don’t have to wait for redistricting to drive […]

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‘I don’t like being treated like crap’: gig workers aim to retool a system they say is rigged

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‘I don’t like being treated like crap’: gig workers aim to retool a system they say is rigged Uber, Lyft and other companies fighting Massachusetts lawsuit that would grant workers status as employees Michael Sainato — Fri 27 Aug 2021 05.00 EDT  — Felipe Martinez began working full-time as an Uber driver in the Boston, […]

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Uber and Lyft drivers join day-long strike over working conditions

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UberUber and Lyft drivers join day-long strike over working conditionsWorkers for app companies call for better wages and protections for those seeking to unionize Kari Paul in San FranciscoWed 21 Jul 2021 19.34 EDTFirst published on Wed 21 Jul 2021 06.00 EDTHundreds of Uber and Lyft drivers have joined other app-based workers across the US for a day-long strike to protest against poor working conditions and demand the right to organize.Sign up to Alex Hern’s weekly technology newsletter, TechScape.The workers are calling for better wages and congressional support of the Pro Act, a bill that would provide protections for workers who attempt to unionize, including members of the gig economy. The bill has stalled indefinitely after passing in the US House in March.Uber and Lyft fares surge as pandemic recedes – but drivers don’t get ‘piece of pie’Read more“App-based workers are fed up with exploitation from big tech companies,” said Eve Aruguete a driver from Oakland and member of organizing group Rideshare Drivers United. “Misclassification is like concrete, keeping us underground. The Pro Act is the jackhammer that will break that concrete apart, allowing app-based workers to organize.”The strike began at midnight on Wednesday with workers in California, Boston, Las Vegas, Denver and Austin refusing to take orders. Rallies took place across several cities.Hundreds of workers rallied outside of Los Angeles international airport and at Uber’s headquarters in San Francisco, where drivers blocked the street with cars emblazoned with slogans such as “strike for dignity” and “Uber and Lyft are driving us into poverty”.On the ground below Uber’s towering headquarters in San Francisco’s South Beach neighborhood, speakers at the rally underscored how the pandemic benefited white-collar Uber employees while thousands of drivers were left without work.“Without drivers, there is no Uber – without drivers, there is no Lyft,” said Eddy Hernandez, formerly a senior software engineer at Uber who quit because he disagreed with how the company treated drivers.“Tech workers and drivers need to come together and demand the end to the second-class employment status that restricts workers from having the fair pay and dignity only some are afforded,” he added.Erica Mighetto, who has driven for Lyft for four years and for Uber since 2019, said at the protest in San Francisco that workers fear for their livelihoods as some pandemic-related unemployment benefits are set to run out in September.“We want to get out ahead of that devastation and let our voices be heard,” she said. “We need protections – we need the right to organize.”“When I say worker, you say power” chants at @_drivers_united protest at LAX today pic.twitter.com/JVtVldE8IU— Carly Olson (@CarlyOlson_) July 21, 2021
The strike comes as Uber and Lyft hike prices amid a record driver shortage. That shortage has been driven by a “silent strike”, said Brian Dolber, an organizer and communications professor, as drivers refuse to return to a job they see as exploitative.“This is drivers fighting back and saying they are not going to be second-class workers,” Dolber said. “They are saying they cannot continue to work under the forms of inequality we have seen during the pandemic.”In 2020, the number of Uber rides decreased by 80% in some areas, leaving hundreds of thousands of drivers without work, according to a survey from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and Jobs With Justice San Francisco. Some 37% of respondents said they had lost 100% of their income, while another 19% had lost more than 75% of their income.But as vaccinations increased and demand bounced back, many drivers refused to return to their work behind the wheel, said Daniel Russell, a driver for Uber and Lyft for the past four years and an organizer with Rideshare Drivers United.“The pandemic really underscored for us our vulnerability when the market dried up,” he said. “Now is the time to take action.”A spokesman from Lyft told the Guardian that as vaccines had rolled out, it had begun to see the demand for rides outpace drivers but had been adding more drivers in recent weeks. It declined to provide any additional comment on the protests. The strike originally focused on workers in California, where an industry-backed bill called Proposition 22 went into effect in early 2021, exempting some major tech firms from fully complying with labor laws. Under Prop 22, gig companies can continue to be classify workers as contractors, without access to employee rights such as minimum wage, unemployment benefits, health insurance and collective bargaining.Organizers say in the months since Prop 22 passed, Uber and Lyft have raised prices for riders while decreasing the portion of the fare drivers receive. Uber did not immediately respond to request for comment. Lyft denied that claim.“They promised us flexibility, greater control and greater transparency,” said driver Carlos Pelayo. “But since Prop 22 passed, I have less control over where I drive, who I pick up, and how much I make. Prop 22 was the most expensive lie ever told to California voters.”Uber and Lyft: woo drivers with stable pay, not short-term honeypotsRead moreOrganizers say the Pro Act can right some of the failures of Prop 22 but requires more support from Senate Democrats. If passed, it would make it more difficult for gig economy firms to classify workers as independent contractors and allow Uber and Lyft drivers to join together to collectively bargain.“Drivers need the Pro Act because it allows us to form a union and organization that looks out on our behalf and ensures our safety and fair pay,” said Russell, who drives in the Los Angeles area. “We need to be able to have a say.”TopicsUberLyftGig economynewsReuse this content

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