Poll Results Say Most Employees Would Fire Their Boss

A recent Monster.com poll reveals more than three quarters of employees would vote their bosses out of their job.

“The poll results should be a wakeup call for all bosses,” says Noelle Nelson, a career and workplace expert and author of “Make More Money by Making Your Employees Happy.”

Horrible Bosses ChartOf the 2,411 responses, only 24% would keep their boss.

Twenty-five percent thought a colleague would make a better manager, 30 percent thought they could handle the job while 21% thought an outside candidate would do better.

Nelson offers these suggestions to bosses who suspect they would be booted out if their employees had their way.

Ask Your Employees Questions

Show that you value your employees’ input by asking them questions. Invite employee feedback, engage them in an open dialogue.

Most employees want to contribute to how their jobs can be done more effectively. Make it easy and rewarding for them to do so.

Listen To Your Employees

It’s not enough to just ask employees questions.

Employees, especially now, expect their ideas to be valued. They expect to have a say in how things are done in their jobs, and to be involved in the decisions that affect them.

Good leadership creates happy employees.

Good leadership creates happy employees.

Companies must be open to employee ideas, ask employees what they believe they need to best do their jobs, and, most importantly, be responsive to employee input.

Don’t Punish Good Employees

Managers will often load a particularly effective employee with more and more work just because–they’re good. Not only is that unfair, but you may very well break an otherwise dynamite employee.

“The poll is an indication that there are lots of workers who don’t think their bosses are qualified for their positions or aren’t doing a good job,” Nelson said.

“While lighthearted in some respects, bosses should take the results seriously,” Nelson said. “It means that many workers do not respect their bosses. Without respect, comes all sorts of worker-related problems: underachievement, low morale, increased employee turnover, reduced productivity and lots of office grumbling.”

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