WOW’s Awesome Social Media Job Search Advice For 2013

Want Apps With That? Social Media Job Search Is Mobile Job Search

And of course if you are accessing social media for your job search, it’s likely this will be taking place on a mobile device of some sort.

75% of employees access social media at work. A good mobile device helps during a scoial media job search.

75% of employees access social media at work.

Using your private mobile communications device, be it it pad or phone, helps shield knowledge of your social media job search. That means accessing your job search information and resources while mobile is important.

So you’ll need some apps for that, and there are no shortage mobile phone and tablet apps that want to help ehnace your social media job search and you find a job.


Not just a cute name or spin-ff from a self-help business bestseller, LunchMeet was built using the LinkedIn API allows for in-person networking wherever you are, whenever you are available.

Jobs You’ll Love for Android

This app lets you job search by refining your preferences just a little more than most other apps. You can like, dislike, share and save jobs. The app will recommend other jobs according to your actions

JobJuice Social Media Search for iPhone

Job seekers looking to learning to incorporate social media into their job search will like JobJuice Social Media Search for iPhone.

Thus app helps job hunters build a personal brand, research companies and reach out to hiring managers without going over the line online.

Interview Prep Questions for iPhone and Android

This app offers practice questions and will even suggest answers if you’re stumped. You can save the app’s answers and personalize them with your qualifications and background.

LinkedIn app for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad

Business social network LinkedIn’s app for all things iOS lets you hunt down your next job while you’re mobile.

Monster Jobs for iPad

You could use Safari on your iPad to look for jobs, but the Monster Jobs iPad app allows a simpler method of browsing its listings.

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List your business in the premium web directory for free This website is listed under Human Resources Directory